Easy Vegan Garlic Croutons

As you might already know by now, I like to buy things in bulk as much as possible, and although my local bulk barn has croutons, they don't have vegan croutons.

So I began my search for some crunchy vegan little bites of goodness, tested a few recipes, and came up with the most perfect and flavorful recipe possible.
The trick with these, to get nice crispy croutons is to get a loaf of uncut, rye bread, and slice it up yourself, and to use the end pieces!

  • 4 cups of bread (including one end piece on the loaf)
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp dried parsley
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 tsp oil
Cut your rye bead into desired size and shape (I did regular crouton size) and put in a large bowl.
Begin by gradually adding the spices as you mix the bread around with your hand, this avoids having all your spices stick to the same piece of bread. Then, carefully mixing the bread around, gradually add the olive oil. 
Once your pieces are evenly coated, spread onto a baking sheet. 

*The size of your bread is drastically going to affect how long your bread should remain in the oven for. Make sure you keep a close eye on it, because they are extremely easy to overcook.*

For small pieces like I did, I baked it in the oven at 400 Degrees Fahrenheit for 6 minutes, flipping them halfway through. 
If you are doing very large pieces, this could take as long as 12 minutes. 

Let them sit out for at least 5 minutes before serving, as they will fully crisp up when they are completely cooled. 


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